B.UrnaaI have decided that I’m tired of being tired!!And that worrying is doing nothing except for making me lose sleep or stimulating my appetite to all the junk food around.Sep 13, 2021Sep 13, 2021
B.UrnaaConnected Autonomous Shared Electric=CASE vehicles are comingIn 2019, Professor Akira Yoshino and his mates were awarded by Nobel prize in Chemistry by their work at the lithium battery.Dec 8, 2020Dec 8, 2020
B.UrnaaАавын дэргэд асуудал нулимсаар шийдэгддэг байлааЭэжийн дэргэд эмнэлэг гэрт байлааDec 4, 2020Dec 4, 2020
B.UrnaaСайн уу!Монголоороо бичээд үзье! Ямар удаан Монголоороо бичээгүй юм бэ дээ…Nov 16, 2020Nov 16, 2020
B.UrnaaHappy birthday to meI just turned 23. I am grateful for my parents for giving me life and raising me well. This year I felt mature and sent gifts to my…Sep 21, 2020Sep 21, 2020
B.UrnaaJapanese people?I have been living in Japan since I was 17. I have met lots of Japanese people and I have spent my late teenage days and early 20’s.Aug 13, 2020Aug 13, 2020